I‘m concerned about the collective “us.”
There is so much advice swirling around us related to enhancing our wellbeing, improving confidence, managing anxiety, boosting creativity, getting better sleep, living our “best life”, achieving our dreams…the list goes on.
Where to begin? It can all feel too difficult or confusing – and too often we end up doing nothing.
At the same time, we all know that meaningful change comes from within.
To get started, as I often say, “Don’t confuse simple with unimportant.” There are countless very straightforward things that we can build into our day relatively easily to enhance the quality of our life in whatever way we’re aiming to change. For example:
😤 If you’re battling anxiety, start by focusing on your breathing.
🧘If you wish you were more confident, start by paying attention to your posture.
⌚If you’re feeling burned out, start carving out time (even just 5 minutes) each day just for you – and do something that restores you.
This week, try this:
1️⃣ Choose 1 area of your life where you would like to see a change.
2️⃣ Next, choose one simple thing you will do to support that change.
3️⃣ Do that one simple thing every day alongside something you already do every day (e.g., brushing your teeth, making a cup of coffee/tea, eating lunch) to make it easier to bake it into your schedule.
4️⃣ Do that one thing daily until it becomes a habit (generally a few weeks).
Once it has been ingrained, choose another simple thing to address the same desired change or a new one and repeat the process...
Life can be hard. Changing doesn’t have to be…we just need patience, persistence and a simple plan. I believe in you!