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Adapting to the New Normal

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

So far, I’ve adapted remarkably well to the collective new normal – in large part because I’m very flexible and optimistic by nature. Plus, it certainly helped that I don’t report to anyone, I’ve worked from home for decades, and I’m blessed to have outdoor space and a very supportive husband.

However, just this week, almost two years in, the restrictions finally started to get to me. We had to cancel one event too many and I struggled to rebound. Fortunately, I have an arsenal of techniques to manage that response; (more on that below.)

Over the past 20+ months, many of us have spent more time than we ever dreamt possible in front of our computer screen, squirreled away in whatever corner of our home we’ve converted into an office – sometimes with toddlers wrapped around our legs and cats walking across our keyboard (or the bane of my existence, the steady unnerving din of leaf blowers moving through the neighborhood). There are positives and negatives to spending time in front of our screens and where – and how – we work has a direct impact on our wellbeing and performance.

If you’re struggling now or at any point with managing the ongoing challenges of the work environment today, this article highlights a few basics of working happier and stressing less – in no matter what environment we find ourselves.

What techniques do you use to boost productivity and reduce stress?

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