Do you spend you day shaped like a cashew?
Posture REALLY matters, far more than you might think. The amount of time we spend hunched over screens and devices, with jutting chin and curved spine, literally puts us in the position of defeat. It inhibits acetylcholine (a balance chemical essential for recovery) from reaching our brain and reduces the amount of space our lungs have to expand, impeding our breathing. Shallow breathing raises carbon dioxide levels, which elevates cortisol levels. Cortisol is our stress chemical and an elevated level of cortisol reduces the quality of our cognitive function and mental and emotional performance.
Posture also influences how confident we feel and how we’re perceived. Research indicates that we look to those with open, expansive posture to lead us during times of crisis.
To improve your posture:
Sit or stand with your feet hip width apart flat on the floor, grounding you -- imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet down through the floor.
Straighten your spine (imagine a string from the top of your head suspending you from the ceiling)
Unlock your knees
Square your shoulders (drop them down onto your back, imagining that you have weights on your elbows holding them in place – then picture your shoulders floating away from you toward opposite sides of the room)
Pay attention to your posture throughout the day – consider investing in a posture device to remind you, if needed.
Try habit stacking – attaching a posture check to something you already do every day, such as walking to your office or sitting down in your desk chair and/or post a sticky note in your work space to remind you to check posture between calls. Every time you straighten up you’ll be boosting your brain power and improving your overall wellbeing!