How We Help Individuals
Are you struggling with or do you wish you had more of any of the qualities listed here? You're not alone. Many people feel the same way. We're here to help you.

You can choose from three levels of membership to access our tips and techniques and the latest resources designed to help you understand how to use your physiology to more effectively manage stress, achieve your goals, and live a happier, more fulfilled life at work and home.
Every month we offer instructor-led virtual classes on a variety of topics our members tell us are important to them. Members receive 1-5 complimentary classes a year and can purchase more. Non-members are welcome to join our brief introductory classes at no cost.
Sometimes we want a bit more support than what online resources and classes can provide. We offer one-on-one life coaching that incorporates traditional coaching models, as well as The Intelligent Body physiology techniques. Members receive discounts on coaching.
Even before the pandemic, for several years, our collective stress level has been on the rise. McKinsey determined that the pace of change in 2018 was 300x that of the Industrial Revolution, in 2019 "stress" was the number one symptom googled, people overwhelmingly cited workplace culture as the biggest roadblock in their efforts to be healthier and happier. In 2019, the WHO officially designated "burnout" an official syndrome, defined as chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.
Then the pandemic hit and suddenly everything became exponentially more challenging...people were isolated and/or overwhelmed, forced to accept uncertainty and adapt to significant changes in how we work and how we live. In response, the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting followed. For many of us, life is still in flux. Scientists have confirmed that human beings are not evolving as quickly as the pace of change around us, making all of this difficult to navigate.
While there is no "silver bullet, " we each have two brilliant tools to respond to today's work and life environment - our amazing body and brain. They are inextricably linked and we can use them in hundreds of ways to navigate life's opportunities and challenges. Most of us just haven't been trained how...until now.
Our Focus
When you join our community, you immediately receive access to proven tips and techniques - supported by neuroscience and used by elite athletes and artists for decades - that enable you to more effectively manage your stress, achieve your goals, and live happier lives at work and home by focusing on four different aspects of life that we all can and should actively and strategically manage by using our physiology.
Most of these techniques are simple.
Some only take seconds.
They're also transformational.
Don't confuse simple with unimportant.
Inner Strength
Inner strength techniques address building confidence, resolve, appropriate risk taking, driving change, acting and speaking wisely and decisively without threatening others or
feeling threatened.
Flexibility techniques help you with creativity, innovation, working effectively with different communication
and behavior styles, as well as embracing and adapting more easily to the
changing world around us.
Resilience techniques help with our ability to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments,
develop and maintain a learning mindset with realistic optimism, and understand the impact of living a resilient lifestyle.
Endurance techniques prepare us to sustain effort over the long-term, especially in situations where patience and persistence are required, remaining focused and motivated with heightened energy levels and the ability to drive toward goals.
When you become a subscriber, you also receive more in-depth tips and techniques,
updates on the latest neuroscientific research, access to our app, community best practices and community programs, as well as discounts on individual coaching sessions.
Sample Topics
Here are some of the most popular topics we help people address. If you don't see what you're looking for, please reach out to us! Chances are we have something to help you.